Ernest P. Chan: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale (1)

- 1 min

A brief note of Ernest Chan’s book.

Backtesting and Automated Execution

The Importance of Backtesting

为什么别人的策略,到你这就很难重复 (backtest a published strategy)?

Common Pitfalls of Backtesting

Look-ahead Bias


Data-Snooping Bias and the Beauty of Linearity


Linear Model or Nonlinear Model


Stock Splits and Dividend Adjustments


Survivorship Bias in Stock Database

如果回测的数据里,不包括除牌(delisted)的公司,就存在survivorship bias了。对于mean-reverting long-only的策略而言,这种幸存者偏差的影响尤其重要;对momentum策略而言,影响相对没那么大。


Primary versus Consolidated Stock Prices

一只股票在多个交易所上市,在回测时要留意你用到的是哪个交易所的数据。如果使用consolidated prices做回测,很容易搞不清楚实际交易时到底应该用哪个交易所的价格。

Bar data某程度上就是一种consolidated data,使用OHLC数据进行回测时,要留意与真实的price feed的区别。

Tick data可以通过订阅实时数据,自行进行收录(如果技术上做得到的话)。

Venue Dependence of Currency Quotes

外汇市场,不同的venue有不同的报价,如果我们打算在A venue进行交易,那就必须用A venue的历史数据进行回测;如果用B venue的历史数据,那就是一个伪回测, 不具备实际意义。

如果用quote aggregator做回测的historical data,将来打算交易的venue,一定要在这个aggregator里面,否则也是一个无效的回测。

外汇市场数据还有一个特点:通常bid/ask quotes数据相对容易获得,但trade price/volume较难获得(因为没有监管要求上报trade数据,大家都会倾向将trade 数据看作是自己的私有财产)

Short-Sale Constraints

通常,你的经纪商(broker)未必支持short sale。

如果short interest足够多,会导致borrow share的成本很高。

Futures Continuous Contracts

期货需要考虑roll over

Futures Close versus Settlement Prices

Settlement prices由exchange提供,即使当天没有交易,也会有一个settlement prices。用actural transaction prices去做回测比较好,如果用 settlement prices,要小心。

Statistical Significance of Backtesting: Hypothesis Testing

Choosing a Backtesting and Automated Execution Platform


Can Backtesting and Execution Use the Same Program?


(1)方便将backtest strategy 迁移至实盘live trading(尽可能少的改动代码)

(2)避免look-ahead bias

What Type of Asset Classes or Strategies Does the Platform Support?

市面上已有的平台,通常只能trade一种或几种资产。自己写会有足够的灵活性 (例如Qtrader)。

Does the Platform Have Complex Event Processing?

For an algorithmic trader, one important point is that the program is event driven, and not bar driven.That is, the program does not go poll prices or news items at the end of each bar and then decide what to do. Because CEP is event driven, there is no delay between the occurrence of an event and the response to it.

Jospeh:这未必是一条金科玉律。很多中低频的systematic trading strategies其实也是由bar驱动的。

Joseph Chen

Joseph Chen

Quantitative Researcher/Trader

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